Bill Haley and the Comets 1950s

Bill Haley and the Comets 1950s

Get ready to meet the new Samsung Galaxy S series, your true AI companion. Save this post or visit u/Samsung_Mobile at 10am PST.

Get ready to meet the new Samsung Galaxy S series, your true AI companion. Save this post or visit u/Samsung_Mobile at 10am PST.

What bathroom situation?

Look at this one guys. Still only twenty degrees in there though. I suppose yall still think we're spoiled?

can i kill skizzo?

Ritrovarsi senza più energie

Vi scrivo perchè sono in cerca di consigli. Troverei infruttuoso fare un monologo della mia vita in cui elencare i miei traumi e sarebbe pesante anche per chi legge, anche perché molti di essi sono stati risolti costruttivamente e sono soddisfatta del lavoro che finora sono riuscita a fare su me stessa. Mi sta succedendo una cosa molto strana ultimamente, in realtà da più di un mese che sta inficiando sulla mia quotidianità. Non riesco più ad alzarmi dal letto, mi sento sempre senza energie, drenata, piena di dolori ed apatica, mentre in sottofondo sento chiaramente della tristezza e la rabbia per non riuscire a risollevarmi da sola come ho fatto sempre. Passo le mie giornate così, al buio, nella mia stanza senza avere lo stimolo per curarmi di me, di mangiare o di bere e devo sforzarmi molto per autoconvincermi a farlo, per sopravvivere, molto spesso dormo sperando che questo malessere e questa stanchezza cronica passi. Va detto anche che io ho 34 anni, sono una persona responsabile, ho un lavoro, una casa tutta mia da mantenere e queste due cose non vanno avanti da sole, arranco per cercare di fare tutti i miei compiti principali ma poi quando torno a casa, spenta, mi getto nel letto e la mia giornata finisce così. Non ho un lavoro pesante ne faccio orari assurdi, sono molto fortunata, eppure sta diventando sempre più difficile cercare di prendermi cura di me. Di solito sono io quella persona che aiuta gli altri e li motiva, gli sta dietro, è di faro e fa da supporto, mi fa strano l'idea che ora debba essere accudita e che sia rimasta schiacciata sotto il peso di qualcosa e mi vergogno a chiedere aiuto, ma so che questo è sciocco e infatti anche se qui, in mezzo ad estranei che leggono, lo sto facendo, perchè ho iniziato seriamente a preoccuparmi per la mia incolumità. A dicembre mi capitato fortunatamente di riuscire a riprendermi in tempo per gestire una crisi d'ansia che si stava per risolvere in atto suicidario. Era apparsa dal nulla e non riesco bene a capirne le cause. Sembra siano legate a fattori inconsci, credo sia PTSD perchè sennò se fosse roba su cui si poggiava la logica le avrei già analizzate e risolte (come ho fatto con il resto). Grazie per aver letto e non preoccupatevi, qualsiasi consiglio è ben accetto su come fare per risolvere questo periodo di chiusura ed immobilità.

[Fan-made] thank you satoru for helping me through aku realms 🙏

Disney rey saber wall mount

For xmas my kid got a rey saber from the disney store. It's got a rounded base so doesn't stand upright with the others she has, so I just finished a wall mounted stand for it. Push fit parts, 8mm wide screw hole at base. 6 parts and can be made taller by stacking the rear panelling.

Trouble with lower legs in kneeling position looking natural

Sort of an update to my last post. I took your guy’s advice and made the legs spread out a lot more, which helps a lot with the vibe I’m going for and just generally looks better I think, but I’m still struggling with the lower leg part. I think part of it is my mind being unable to see it in the way I want to, but everything I try just looks like there’s some weird piece awkwardly poking out. I highlighted the specific parts that look “wrong” in my brain and added a diagram to kinda show my problem. Thank you all for being very nice on my last post :)

"> Sort of an update to my last post. I took your guy’s advice and made the legs spread out a lot more, which helps a lot with the vibe I’m going for and just generally looks better I think, but I’m still struggling with the lower leg part. I think part of it is my mind being unable to see it in the way I want to, but everything I try just looks like there’s some weird piece awkwardly poking out. I highlighted the specific parts that look “wrong” in my brain and added a diagram to kinda show my problem. Thank you all for being very nice on my last post :)

One of the most heart wrenching continuations in Ellie’s character, in photos.

Had to repost because I accidentally added a spoiler in my title before. I hurt every time I remember that Ellie always feared ending up alone and yet, her choices and *need* for closure/revenge ultimately end her up alone anyways. Love the full circle effect but I hurt for ALL of the main characters.


This makes for a fun match. Oh I can’t cast any more spells because I have to use mana and you get to counter them all without spending any mana? Perfect thanks bye…

"> This makes for a fun match. Oh I can’t cast any more spells because I have to use mana and you get to counter them all without spending any mana? Perfect thanks bye…

Daily quiz: If you get over 75% in this quiz, you're basically a genius

Making a Soulful Boom Bap Beat in Ableton Live

Jelly like cloths (?) growing outside of socket after extraction

I had 2 of my wisdom teeth removed 2 days ago. One seemed to heal normally, but in the area around the second socket (top left one) what I assume to be blood cloths start forming, not wholly inside the socket, but rathe between my jaw and my inner cheek, I don't disturb them in any way, but after some time they start dislodging, at which point inlet them fall out, the whole process happened 3 times yesterday and 2 times today already. The assumed cloths are red flat discs around 1-1,5 cm in diameter. Are they likely to be normal blood cloths or something else? Do they require imidiate meudacl attention? Are there any home remedies I can do before seeing my dentist again?

The basic principle of the Gravity Miner is to generate free kinetic energy.

There is a design consisting of a flywheel and inside the flywheel there are rollers on a small tube. A properly designed and calculated device will harness the power of gravity! Many people suspect this structure is fake. But there are many demonstrations of this type of gravitational power harnessing device. ![img](ft9czasxhkee1 "Harnessing the Power of Gravity to Generate Free Electricity") After some research I found that the decisive factor to achieve Over-Unity in classical mechanics is summarized as follows: * The load stress on the bridge due to the load rolling over the bridge is much smaller than the stress caused if the same load suddenly fell on the bridge. This applies to a ball rolling on a tube. This fascinating feature has been part of Engineering courses at universities for decades. * The speed of the flywheel must be fast enough. The speed of the roller is proportional to the rotation speed. If the roller rotates slowly, the force exerted by the roller will not be enough to overcome the forces (including friction) and gravity inherent in the flywheel when in equilibrium. * The weight of the ball (or marble) must be large enough to increase the force exerted on the flywheel. * The tube design needs to have a stress-bearing end and a soft end to be elastic and reduce the rapid recoil of the marble. There are many solutions to the initial position of the marble when starting that are calculated based on the length of the tube, the mass of the flywheel, the mass of the marble, etc. In general, when imposing the velocity due to starting the flywheel, there will be some solutions in terms of the mind, just like an algebraic equation has a solution. Perpetual motion is possible on a circular disk with a special structure. And it also depends on the definition of perpetual motion. If the criterion for defining perpetual motion is Over-unity, then perpetual motion is possible. Over-unity occurs because there is a force that is absorbed by the circular disk or flywheel and twists it into the center of the flywheel. So this type of system can be said to be harvesting free energy from gravity. You can find two articles that analyze this based on mathematics and physics, along with design guidelines for generating electricity. The two articles are: "[Overunity in Mechanics: Kinetic Energy Sources with No Input and No Fuel - Free Energy at the Classical Mechanical Level.](" and " [Free Energy equals Rounding the Square: (Over-Unity) from Gravity occurs on the “Circle” of sacred geometry](". Good luck!

Learning Discipline

This lesson may be learned much sooner by others or even without involving much of a loss dollar wise. However, this a a detrimental lesson to learn if you are looking to pursue live trading on any scale. I’ve began my journey back in August 2024 and I’ve learned so much even about myself while trading. I’ve attempted funding challenges which I have failed and I understand now that when trading on a live account there is so much that you have to take into account regarding your own psychology. I’ve put a stop to live trades since December 2024 after losses in the near amounts of over $3,000 that I know I could have prevented without simply over trading. As of this month/new year I am back to paper trading and setting a plan for myself going forward to become profitable. Just a minor setback for a major comeback!!

If anyone would like to show support to help recover some losses by shopping my clothing brand “BrainStorm Apparel” at

Thank you in advance. Attached are the paper trades I took Monday Jan 20th 2025 and today Wednesday Jan 22nd 2025.

"> This lesson may be learned much sooner by others or even without involving much of a loss dollar wise. However, this a a detrimental lesson to learn if you are looking to pursue live trading on any scale. I’ve began my journey back in August 2024 and I’ve learned so much even about myself while trading. I’ve attempted funding challenges which I have failed and I understand now that when trading on a live account there is so much that you have to take into account regarding your own psychology. I’ve put a stop to live trades since December 2024 after losses in the near amounts of over $3,000 that I know I could have prevented without simply over trading. As of this month/new year I am back to paper trading and setting a plan for myself going forward to become profitable. Just a minor setback for a major comeback!! If anyone would like to show support to help recover some losses by shopping my clothing brand “BrainStorm Apparel” at Thank you in advance. Attached are the paper trades I took Monday Jan 20th 2025 and today Wednesday Jan 22nd 2025.

That moment when work just... works. It’s time to give your team a platform they’ll actually love—intuitive, easy to use, built to streamline work and achieve goals faster.

That moment when work just... works. It’s time to give your team a platform they’ll actually love—intuitive, easy to use, built to streamline work and achieve goals faster.

Anybody else having this problem?

Sometimes when a video plays, the video just stops and I see a black screen with the loading icon, in about 2 seconds, the video continues, but this time it has much much lower frames than before

Karan weds chum meme

Porsche 911 GT3 RS

Turkish as far as I knew

Apparently not completly Turkish. More Greek and Central Asian... where is West Asian part... I would have an identity crisis. Just kidding...

Is this an infection ?

Had my bottom left wisdom tooth removed 4 weeks ago. I'd like to think that most of it has healed, some of the stitching is still there . Since yesterday have noticed this lump at the gum near where extraction took place. Should I be overly concerned ? Prior to extraction, that area was prone to pericoronitis due to the impaction.

"> Had my bottom left wisdom tooth removed 4 weeks ago. I'd like to think that most of it has healed, some of the stitching is still there . Since yesterday have noticed this lump at the gum near where extraction took place. Should I be overly concerned ? Prior to extraction, that area was prone to pericoronitis due to the impaction.

Has there ever been a time when Dan or Arin genuinely got angry at each other during Game Grumps?

Not a haha I’m yelling at you and it’s funny or getting mad at a game, but like, actual anger. Like Dan got pretty mad at Ross for continuing to read The Beej when he asked him to stop.

Kam prijavit nategunske klice?

Ocitno je moja stevilka prisla na nek seznam, ker sem prejel ze 100 klicev z nekih random stevilk. Vedno se gre za podobno nateg: da imam denar na nekem racunu, da klicejo glede kripto investicij, neke investicije, bla bla. Se da kaj narediti glede tega? Kam prijaviti te natege?

Remember when they found the wife who was infected but she was different? The lady wanted to study her but the guy said no. Why couldn't they just tape her mouth and study her preventing the outbreak at the base 🙄 life there was better so i know they had tape lol.


Connect+ subscription options unavailable

Anyone else had this issue? I can’t get to the connect+ subscription settings in my truck, through the app, or online. Tried multiple devices, resets, etc. Rivian service and customer service has no idea what to do. My trial expires in a few days. 22 R1T LE

[WTS] Hamilton Khaki Field Automatic 38mm for $250 Shipped!

Medexpress price match

Has anyone done this please? & what’s the process? Many thanks

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